The word chakra in Sanskrit means disk or wheel. It refers to the the energy centres in our body. These energy centres spin with energy and correspond to certain nerve bundles and major organs.
To function at their best they should stay open and balanced. If they become blocked or unbalanced you may experience either physical or emotional symptoms related to a particular chakra.
There are seven main chakras that run along your spine, starting at the root, or base of your spine and extend to the crown of your head.There are many more chakras that work in and around the body, however it’s this main seven that is more often referred to.
The root or base chakra is located at the base of the spine, your tailbone. It is associated with the colour red.
The root chakra is in relation to your grounding, legs and feet, hip joints, pelvis.
It relates to home life, security, your rootedness.
If unbalanced can lead to over thinking, over doing or the opposite can arise, thinking of doing but not, no energy, not sleeping well.
When balanced you are in the now, you have an high energy level and balance of thought and feelings.
The sacral chakra is located just below your navel. It is associated with the colour orange.
The sacral chakra governs the reproductive organs, bladder, large and small intestines. It relates to your sexuality, creativity, self worth and intimate relations.
If unbalanced it may effect these areas either physically or emotionally Effecting your self confidence.
The solar plexus is located in the stomach area. It is associated with the colour yellow.
The solar plexus is linked to the spleen, adrenal glands, liver, digestive system. It is also is linked to self confidence, self esteem.
If unbalanced we may feel powerless, or easy anger, not assertive, feeling overwhelmed .
The heart chakra is located at the heart centre. It is associated with the colour green.
Our heart chakra governs the heart and lungs, it relates to compassion and gratitude.
This may become unbalanced by grief, loss or sadness.
The throat chakra is associated with the colour blue and can be located in the area of the throat.
It governs the thyroid, jaw, throat and faculty of hearing. It’s related to our communication.
If the throat chakra becomes unbalanced we may have trouble expressing ourselves.
The third eye chakra is located between the brows, central on the forehead. It’s is associated with the colours purple or indigo.
The third eye governs the pineal gland and brain.
If unbalanced our intuition is affected, we can over think of the past, worry about the future or have inability to focus.
The crown chakra is located on the top of our head, it is associated with the colour white or purple.
It governs our brain, our relationship with time and the divine.
Low energy may lead to difficulty focusing, feeling overwhelmed by life.
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