The history of massage therapy dates back as far as 3000 BC or possibly earlier.
In India it was considered a sacred system of natural healing.
Civilizations in the East and West found that natural healing and massage could heal injuries, relieve pain and prevent and cure illnesses. What's more it helped reduce stress and produce deep relaxation.
There are texts written somewhere between 1500 and 500bc mentioning the use of Ayurveda practices and principles.
Ayurveda was widely adopted throughout India and Southeast.
Ayurveda is based on the idea that a patients health imbalances can be balanced with the use of the five senses that interact with the environment to create harmony.
Treatments in Ayurveda include, diet, herbalism, aromatherapy, colour therapy, sound therapy and touch therapy.
There is also evidence of Egypt and China both practising massage with similar principles of finding balance for both body, mind and energy flow.
Throughout the years this practice has been followed used and adapted by various cultures around the world and recognized for its health benefits.
Todays massage therapists practice a multitude of techniques originating from ancient methods.
From those roots, we remain inspired by the goal cultivated years ago. That is to help others heal their physical and emotional well being and experience a higher quality of life with balance.
Massage has many benefits physically but also mentally. The deep manipulation of the skin and muscles increases blood flow. This benefits the body by improving circulation, lowering the heart rate and improving the immune system. It reduces muscle soreness and tension while reducing stress and increasing relaxation.
Massage has been known for benefitting clients with, Anxiety, Digestive disorders, fibromyalgia, headaches, insomnia relates to stress, lower back pain, nerve pain, soft tissue strains and injuries, upper back and neck pain and many more.
The benefits of hot stone massage are equal to Swedish massage but on a deeper level with less pressure required.
The hot stones penetrate deep into the body allowing intense muscle relaxation .
The deep heat has also proved beneficial in pain management as it is known to relieve the pain of clients with rheumatoid Arthritis.
It draws out toxins and aids in boosting the immune system.
The cold stones are effective for reducing inflamed muscles when working alongside the hot stones they can have a stimulating effect.
The cold stones tonify the facial muscles and can relieve sinus pressure.
The benefits of using both hot and cold stones on the body are plentiful.
Although massage has many benefits it also may not be a suitable treatment to have for all.
Some of the the following health issues may make massage not appropriate treatment for you.
If you have a depressed immune system
Heart Disease
Clients with burn, skin cancer, dermatitis or healing wounds
Broken bones
Deep vein thrombosis
Bleeding disorders or taking blood thinning medication
Any disease or surgery where there is nerve damage
Skin conditions such as shingles or herpes
Blood clots
Any conditions or questions can be discussed at the consultation with the therapist before treatment. In some cases we may require confirmation from your Doctor.
Despite its benefits, massage isn't meant as a replacement for regular medical care. Let your Doctor know you're wanting to try massage and be sure to follow any standard treatment plans you have.
Pilgrim Cottage, 100 Sea Road, Chapel St. Leonards, Skegness, PE24 5RY, United Kingdom
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