Distance healing, also known as remote healing, is the relaxing transfer of energy from practitioner to recipient.
Distance healing has the ability to be effective without the need for physical presence and may be felt across any distance.
A practitioner of distance healing is able to channel the energy from themselves to the recipient who is open to receive.
We may not see the radio waves that transmit information from our Wi-Fi to our devices but it works.Its energy/frequencies transmit unseen from one to another.This is how I like to think of distance healing, the energy being transmitted from practitioner to recipient is unseen but being sent and received.
I like the recipient to be relaxed and undisturbed while I am sending the energy, so we agree a time and I will confirm when I am starting the session.
While the recipient enjoys a nice relax, I focus on the recipient requesting energy healing, with the aid of a photograph.
I visualise a connection between us and make clear intentions of sending healing energy.
I then start.
When I have finished I will message the recipient to confirm I‘ve finished and to check up on them.
I am blessed to be able to help people in this way.
Sometimes in this modern challenging world, it’s difficult for people to attend physical treatments, for what ever their personal reason.
Distance healing allows them to receive healing energy in the comfort and security of their own surroundings.
I have received some beautiful feedback from those I have had the pleasure to have helped with distance healing.
I feel blessed to have helped some beautiful people that were In need of energetic healing and support.
Sometimes we just need that little help to be able to see clearly and feel centred again.
Sleep disturbances, anxiety, low mood, constant pain can all make us feel gripped and stuck. If I can give healing energy to relieve someone, if only for just a while. Sometimes that can make a huge difference in someone’s life.
One of my lovely clients recently wrote me the following review to help others get an understanding from being the recipient of a session.
I have had quite a few energetic healing sessions now with Mandy and each and every one is different for me. No two sessions have ever been the same. Mandy helps me to connect to what’s within me to heal myself with her energy.
At the start of each session I feel an overwhelming wave of calm and harmony within myself and a shift of energy, where healing, peace and forgiveness become possible for me. Toxins and negativity are washed away.
After my session with Mandy ends I feel exhilarated and with a sense of feeling so much lighter within, empowered, even liberated to a sensation of natural high.
occasionally afterwards I also feel a strong surge of emotions and release which Mandy’s healing has no doubt shifted blockages from deep layers within.
Once the session is complete, Mandy always has a check in with me to make sure I am ok and alllows me to share my experiences with her which if needed will explain what has happened and possibly will happen to me the next few hours.
I would certainly and highly recommend Mandy’s Energetic Healing sessions to anyone. It’s a truly amazing ‘gift’ and I reap the benefits from regular sessions.
Julie May Atkinson - 19.05.2022
Pilgrim Cottage, 100 Sea Road, Chapel St. Leonards, Skegness, PE24 5RY, United Kingdom
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